Excelsior Health Blog

Why Excelsior Chiropractic is the Best Chiropractor in Chesterfield and Sullivan, MO

Why Excelsior Chiropractic is the Best Chiropractor in Chesterfield and Sullivan, MO

Chiropractors all around the nation are providing more than 35 million Americans with

treatment each year. But that statistic begs the question: how many of them are satisfied with

the chiropractor they visited?

We want you for the long haul! We’re dedicated to providing your entire family with the best


If you’re wondering, “Why is Excelsior Chiro the best Chiropractor near me?”, then see below

for the answer!

Gonstead Chiropractic Treatment

Here at Excelsior, we view the human body as one well-oiled machine. If you can ensure that all

areas are functioning properly, it has the power to promote natural healing—and even prevent

injuries as well. We use the Gonstead System, which is a perfect mixture of elaborate analysis and delivering

specific adjustments to help you see the best results.

To perform Gonstead chiropractic treatment, we provide each patient with:

- Pinpointing minor changes in your posture that lead to bodily setbacks

- Using Nervoscope to detect uneven distributions of heat in the body (such as


- Apply static palpation and motion palpation to feel for disturbances in your

muscles/tissues and spine, respectively

- X-Ray analysis to ensure progress and detect any substantial issues in your spine’s discs

and joints

Most chiropractors don’t use the Gonstead approach because it takes a higher level of practice

and dedication to their craft—that’s why Excelsior Chiro is, in your own words, “the best

chiropractor near me”.

Family-Friendly Service

We treat your family as if they were our own. While some chiropractors only specialize in

servicing certain patients, our treatments are for the entire gang!

Excelsior Chiro provides chiropractic care for adults, kids of all ages, and even expecting

mothers. Each of these require a high degree of care and attention to detail.

As we always say, we want to help your entire family thrive, not just survive. Entrust us with

your family’s chiropractic needs and you’ll unlock a new wave of potential moving forward.

The Best Chiropractor Near Me: Book Your Appointment Today

Now that you have seen an answer to “Why is Excelsior the best chiropractor near me?”, be

sure to use this information to your advantage. We have two offices to ensure a closer proximity to your family; book an appointment with the one closest to you today! If you have any other inquiries, you can call us directly at 636-345-4816 and we’ll be happy to assist. See you soon!

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